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   Twelfth Encounter  


Dr. Maly Danino - presents
 Twelfth Encounter - Summing up the Process   
Anchor 1
Anchor 2

  Part 1 Reflection on the Process  

  Opening and Correlation with the previous encounter  


This encounter is designed to summarize the training by taking a look at the significant events experienced by the parent-in-training:  those which were powerful and effected a change.

At the start of the encounter the parent will undergo a reflective process that will allow him to look deeply into what he has been through so far, the progress he has made to date and his connection with the coach.


Anchor 3

  Analysis of a significant event occurring during training  


We will ask the parent:

Of all the events that transpire during the various encounters, which of them do you feel was the most significant for you personally?  Please describe the event:  what took place? Who was involved? What was your reaction? Why was it significant for you?

Anchor 4

  Understanding the turning point and the parent’s source of strength  


The coach will try and understand what the turning point was for the parent-in-training, and will focus on it.  It is crucial to shed light on that point in order to understand precisely what transpired there.

Anchor 5

  The training experience in the eyes of the parent-in-training   


We will conduct a dialogue with the parent-in-training regarding his feelings about the training process he as been through and his bond with the coach.  We will ask:

What did you experience during the training process?

What are your insights as a result of the training process?

What was the coach like for you?

What would you like to express gratitude for, if anything?

Is there anything you would have done differently?

Anchor 6

  Part 2 the Training in the Eyes of the Coach  

  The training experience in the eyes of the coach  


The coach will describe to the parent-in-training his experiences and the feelings he had as a result the process.  The coach will ask himself the following questions:

What did you experience during the training process?

What meaning does the process have for you as a coach?

What are your insights as a result of the training process?

What was the parent-in-training like for you?

What, if anything, would you like to express gratitude for and cherish?



Despite the fact that the coach is a significant figure for the parent-in-training, without whom no change would have come into effect, the achievements are those of the parent-in-training.

He no longer needs the coach in order to maintain the change that he has made, for his accomplishments have become second nature for him.

We will conclude with a farewell. These are yours to say, and this is the unique way of each coach and each parent-in-training to come up with words of comfort, hope and love.

  Video text - Twelfth Encounter   


In this session we will summarize the training process that has come to an end and separate from the parent, in peace.

In the first part of the session we will ask the parent: What was the significant and motivating event that generated the change for him? From which point on, did he realize there was no way back. This same event that was registered in his memory and the feeling that went with it, what happened in that moment?

We will ask the parent to describe the event, whether it occurred in the training room or outside it - this is the rock that the parent can return to in moments of difficulty and crisis.

In the second part of the meeting the parent will relate to the relationship between him and the coach - what was significant for him that helped him through the process?

The coach will then tell the parent what was significant for him in the process and in the relationship with the trainee.

The coaching process is a process in which the coach continues to develop. The act of coaching a parent provides him with an opportunity to re-examine himself in a process that never ends.


Anchor 7
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